Exterminator Queens NY BLOG

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How to prevent bug infestations

With all the responsibilities people have in this modern day, it is very easy to forget simple tasks that we can do to prevent our home from being a welcoming environment from little creepy crawly guests.  There are ways that you can prevent bugs in general by simply keeping your home clean.  If you have carpeting, vacuum regularly because that will be a major help in preventing bed bugs and dust mites.  If you have marble or wood floors simply sweep regularly.  Also, caulking is key.  Cracks and crevices in walls are the number one hiding spots for all types of bugs to retreat and rear young.  Sealing all holes and cracks with a mixture of steel wool and caulking compound also helps.  Weatherstripping around doors and sealing all windows properly will also be a major help and not to mention it will save energy in your home and lower the cost of the electric bill.  Taking out the garbage frequently helps as well.  Do not let it fill to the top, and keep it elevated 12 inches from the floor will also help.  Do not store lumber or wooden materials near the siding of your home or on the ground in your home.  Clean up all debris, cut back all trees and shrubs that come into contact with your home. 

For more information on pest control please contact your local exterminator in Exterminator Queens NY.  If you see any signs of infestation, you cannot neglect it you must call a licensed and insured professional to take care of the matter because it can only get worse.

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There are 350,000 types of spiders in the world, only a few thousand in the US alone.  They exist in a wide variety of colors and sizes yet they all share the characteristic of having 8 legs.  To generally and vaguely categorize them there are indoor and outdoor spiders.  Indoor spiders are attracted to small, dark spaces like corners in the wall, wall cracks, air vents.  Other species of spiders like to be outdoors making webs by the lighting.  Although spiders are beneficial in the sense that they kill off many types of insects, some are poisonous, their webs are uncomfortable to run into and their presence is frightening for many. 

If you find a spider indoors chances are it’s a common house spider, a wolf spider, sac spider or a cellar spider.  A Common house spider is often found inside a person’s home.  A cellar spider has very thin legs and is very long; their bodies rapidly shake when you disturb their web.  Wolf spiders are large and hairy and are commonly mistaken as tarantulas.  Their leg span goes up to 3 inches.  Sac spiders are a grey, green or pale yellow color, they are responsible for most indoor bites from a spider.

Preventive steps you can take against spiders are vacuuming regularly, sealing all entryways for spiders (you can use caulking compound and steel wool), removing harboring space like compost piles or firewood piled near your home and using lighting in a way that is less attractive for insects that spiders feed on.

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All About Ants

Ants travel in colonies.  The only ant capable of laying eggs is the Queen ant who is head of the colony.  Ants are small tiny insects that are part of the Hymenoptera order. They’re all typically small and dark and there’s various different ant families but they all share similar qualities.  Ants can walk up to 100 feet away from their colonies in search of food.  They are normally attracted to sweets or protein from other dead insects.  Their colonies can be found in soil that is moist, under debris, underneath driveways or on sidewalks.  If you find yourself seeing a trail of ants making their way to your home, call a local pest control company to install bait dispensers.  The bait dispensers are much more effective and safe as oppose to spraying chemicals to kill them off.  These dispensers contain a solution mixed with insecticides and something that attracts the worker ants.  This ants will take this poisonous bait back to the colony and it will kill off the entire ant colony.  Once the queen is dead, then your ant problem is solved.

For more information on ant prevention, ant inspection and ant control call Exterminator Queens.  For over the past ten years we have provided top notch service for residential and commercial customers.  We use high quality equipment to completely eradicate pests and insects and ensure no return.  We warranty our work to safeguard your purchase.  Exterminator Queens is the leading pest control company in Queens, NY because we provide top notch service for minimal costs.  Give us a call today 718-304-1220.

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Rats Can Cause Serious Health Problems

Aside from their alarming appearance, long squirmy tails and the property damage they cause, there are very vital reasons why any normal person would not want a rat in their home.  Rats are very detrimental to a person’s health for various reasons.  Rat bites and scratches can result in rat-bite fever disease and rat urine spreads leptospirosis which leads to kidney and liver damage.

Rats were the cause of the infamous bubonic plague that was spread in the Middle Ages from flies that fed off rats and spread it to humans.  That was the cause of millions of horrible deaths. Rats can also spread typhus and Hantavirus.  They also develop allergies in humans through their droppings, hair shed and dander.

Hantavirus is known to be carried by rice rats and cotton rats.  The human victim may have symptoms that are commonly mistaken with flu symptoms.  The person will suffer from difficulty breathing, weakness and if untreated it can become deadly.

To avoid Hantavirus and many other rat borne sickness you must rid your home of mouse feces, nests, harboring spaces and nest materials.  Even if the infestation is gone, disinfect your home.  You can use gloves to handle rodent carcass and droppings and wear a respirator when functioning cartridges.  Air out your home after an infestation.  If you are looking to re-use traps or disinfect traps you can use a tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water and soak it in the solution.

Call Exterminator Queens at 718-304-1220 for further questions on rat control