Exterminator Queens NY BLOG


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There are 350,000 types of spiders in the world, only a few thousand in the US alone.  They exist in a wide variety of colors and sizes yet they all share the characteristic of having 8 legs.  To generally and vaguely categorize them there are indoor and outdoor spiders.  Indoor spiders are attracted to small, dark spaces like corners in the wall, wall cracks, air vents.  Other species of spiders like to be outdoors making webs by the lighting.  Although spiders are beneficial in the sense that they kill off many types of insects, some are poisonous, their webs are uncomfortable to run into and their presence is frightening for many. 

If you find a spider indoors chances are it’s a common house spider, a wolf spider, sac spider or a cellar spider.  A Common house spider is often found inside a person’s home.  A cellar spider has very thin legs and is very long; their bodies rapidly shake when you disturb their web.  Wolf spiders are large and hairy and are commonly mistaken as tarantulas.  Their leg span goes up to 3 inches.  Sac spiders are a grey, green or pale yellow color, they are responsible for most indoor bites from a spider.

Preventive steps you can take against spiders are vacuuming regularly, sealing all entryways for spiders (you can use caulking compound and steel wool), removing harboring space like compost piles or firewood piled near your home and using lighting in a way that is less attractive for insects that spiders feed on.

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